13 noviembre 2009

Writing a brief essay>> Self Evaluation of my Academic Year

I think this year was so hard, because I had many courses and didn’t have free time. Moreover, it is my last year in classes, and in the next year I will do my teacher practice in a school. Although the classes were interesting and allowed me to grow as a professional, I feel very tired at the end of this semester and I just think that every time there is less to arrive holidays. But despite my desire that the semester will end soon, I still have much work to do and do well in my final exams, not having to pay back any subject.

This semester was very intense, all the classes were very demanding and I had so much academic load. There were some teachers who took pity on us and schedule a time (and in conjunction with the course) all tests and papers. However, other teachers were a bit messy and left all the tests and work for last.

I acknowledge that I let a lot of work to the end and should have been more consistent in my work, but that seems to work best under pressure, and often better conclusions bag the day before a paper due.

On the other hand, I had to do with my fellow seminary degree, with which I will achieve the degree of Bachelor of Education. This is very important for me, because with it, I'll be a year of graduating out of the carreer and finally I’ll begin to make classes, which made me very excited. I have had some practical experience making classes to children between 6 and 8 years, but only one or two activities, and always under the guidance of my professors from university, but when making my professional practice ... everything will be different, and I will have to solve on my own or those unforeseen problems that may arise. It's like starting a professor of truth.

Finally, I think this semester would have been better had I not had as many subjects. It might have had time to do extracurricular activities, implement projects and devote more closer to my loved ones, but anyway I believe it was a very good year that has made me grow in every respect and value the things that are achieved with effort and perseverance. I think things are those that cost us that we stay in the memory and keep us with your feet on the ground.

07 noviembre 2009


Hi, today I will discuss about the situation of my faculty, one that has been almost my second home for 4 years.

In aesthetic terms, I like my faculty because it has bright murals, cozy corners and good lighting. However, it also presents major flaws such as lack of space for many students, which is reflected at the time to perform work because they do not have a study room used exclusively for students and suitable for our needs. Also, many times in the library books are not required to do research (especially in Education), being necessary to look for in other faculties or even other universities.

That's why I think it is necessary to build a study room suitable for students, and not expect to adapt a portion of the casino is not enough, because you may have to wait to finish the lunch hour to join with partners to perform work.
Moreover, I believe that my career (Education) more infrastructure is lacking, perhaps a room in order to implement our practical work or a room where we keep our work materials.

From all the above, I think the first would find an appropriate place on campus to build a study room, which has internet connection and is open until classes are completed, and is used exclusively.

On the other hand, I believe it is important that library books will be renewed and to invest in new copies, which benefit all carreers and not just some. In this way, Social Sciences’s students can study in a more comfortable and at least the minimum.