22 agosto 2009

A country I would like to visit

Hi! I'm finishing one week very stressful, but I`m happy because I did a lot of things very interesting.

Today I would like to talk about the country I would like to visit: Spain. I have always wanted to visit this country, because it has a lot of sights that I would like to know.

In Spain, I would like to visit the constructions of Gaudi, because I like so much his creations and they are so beautiful. I think his buildings are like taken from a story.

Specially, I would like to visit the Güell Palace and the park of the same name, because it has a sculptures and constructs inspired by nature, very colorful and showy.

I still haven’t known much the culture of Spain yet, but I I’m sure If I will travel, I could learn a lot of things.

I would like to live in Spain a few years, but near the Mediterranean sea. Also, I would like to do a master if it is posible and work there to pay my studies and learn about other realities.

I think it would be very good for me to live in that country, to grow as a person, know places and buildings and become independent.

1 comentario:

  1. I'm sure one day you will travel to Spain. You'll love it!
    Your post is very good. Be careful with word order, for example.
    - a very stressful week
    - a lot of very interesting things .
    - I like his creations so much
